Tammy Cook-Searson

An image of Tammy Cook-Searson

Board member

Age 52  |  Not Independent
Lac La Ronge, Saskatchewan, Canada
Director since:  2023
Citizenship:  Canadian

Key Skills and Experience

  • Executive leadership and strategy
  • Governance
  • People, compensation, talent and culture
  • Business growth and transformation
  • Stakeholder and rights holder relations

Tammy’s leadership experience serving her local Indigenous community in northern Saskatchewan and as president of the entity that manages her Band’s economic and development activities provides a rich, valuable and unique perspective to Cameco’s board and as a member of the safety, health and environment committee and the technical committee.


As of March 11, 2024

Tammy Cook-Searson is Chief of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and the President of Kitsaki Management Limited Partnership, the entity that manages the Band’s economic development activities. Tammy was the Band’s first woman chief when she was elected in 2005 and, prior to being elected chief, she served on the Band’s council. Tammy was appointed to Cameco’s board effective September 1, 2023. She has more than 25 years of leadership, business development and management experience in northern Saskatchewan where some of Cameco’s key assets are located.

Tammy received a graduate diploma in management and is completing her master of business administration degree from Athabasca University. She also holds honourary degrees from the University of Regina and the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies. Tammy brings extensive leadership, community relations and development experience to the board, which includes finding solutions for social challenges and advocating for Indigenous issues. Her efforts have been recognized with many awards and medals, including the Indigenous Women in Leadership Award from Canadian Council of Aboriginal Business in 2021, the Canadian Armed Forces Special Services Medal in 2020 and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012.

Tammy serves on the board of the Saskatoon Airport Authority, and she serves the Saskatchewan Indigenous community in many capacities. She is a member of the boards of Prince Albert Grand Council, Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, Assembly of First Nations and the Virtual Health Hub of Saskatchewan.

Board and Committee Membership and Attendance

2023 Attendance
2023 Voting ResultsBoard and Committee MembershipNumber of MeetingsOverall
n/aBoard of directors2 of 2100%
Safety, health, and environment*1 of 1100%
Technical*1 of 1100%

* Tammy joined two committees when she was appointed to the board on September 1, 2023.

Other Public Company Boards in the Past Five Years


Securities Held

As of December 31, 2023

YearCameco SharesDSUsTotal Shares
 and DSUs
Market Value of
Shares and DSUs1
Multiple of 2023
Annual Retainer
(at market value)
Deadline to Meet
Share Ownership
2023-1,0811,081$ 61,7610.3xSeptember 1, 2028

1. Based on total holdings calculated using $57.13 for 2023, the closing price of Cameco shares on the last trading day of the year on the TSX.
2. For evaluating compliance with Cameco’s share ownership guidelines, Tammy’s DSUs held at December 31, 2023 are valued at $64,752 and represent 0.3x the board member retainer of $200,000.