Measuring Our Results

Targets and Metrics: The link between sustainability factors and executive pay

Each year, we set corporate objectives that are aligned with our strategic plan. These objectives fall under our four measures of success: outstanding financial performance, safe, healthy and rewarding workplace, clean environment and supportive communities. Performance against specific targets under these objectives forms the foundation for a portion of annual employee and executive compensation. See our most recent management proxy circular for more information on how executive compensation is determined.

Outstanding financial performance
2023 Objectives
Earnings measuresResults
  • Achieve targeted adjusted net earnings
  • adjusted net earnings was above target
Cash flow measures
  • Achieve cash flow from operations (before working capital changes)
  • cash flow from operations was below target
Safe, healthy and rewarding workplace
2023 Objectives
Workplace safety measureResults
  • Strive for no injuries at all Cameco-operated sites. Maintain a long-term downward trend in combined employee and contractor total recordable injury rate while achieving targets on specified leading indicators.
  • we did not achieve our target for TRIR
  • performance of the leading indicators was above the target range
Clean environment
2023 Objectives
Environmental performance measureResults
  • Achieve corporate environmental targets.
  • Develop tailored decarbonization pathways for operationally controlled sites.
  • performance on corporate environmental targets was within the target range
  • completed decarbonization pathways for all operationally controlled sites
Supportive communities
2023 Objectives
Stakeholder support measureResults
  • Enhance the skill set of Residents of Saskatchewan’s North (RSN) for changing industrial environments
  • RSN skill enhancement was above the target

Detailed results for our 2023 corporate objectives and the related targets will be provided in our 2024 management proxy circular prior to our Annual Meeting of Shareholders on May 9, 2024.

2024 Objectives

Outstanding financial performance

  • Achieve targeted financial measures focused on controlling costs and generating cash.

Safe, healthy and rewarding workplace

  • Improve workplace safety performance at all sites.

Clean environment

  • Improve environmental performance at all sites and continue to execute on our Low Carbon Transition Plan.

Supportive communities

  • Build and sustain strong stakeholder support for our activities.

Caution about Forward-Looking Information 
Please click here for additional information about the assumptions applied in making the forward-looking statements on this page and the factors that could cause results to differ materially.