A Diverse Workforce
- Cameco is committed to creating and maintaining a welcoming, inclusive, barrier-free work environment which allows all employees to perform their jobs at an optimal level.
- Achieving this desired environment depends upon mutual respect, creative problem solving and co-operation.
- We have been recognized as one of Canada's Best Diversity Employers since 2010.
Workplace inclusion

Members of a diverse workforce bring new ideas, perspectives, experiences and expertise to the company. This allows Cameco to continue to innovate, manage change, and grow as a respected industry leader and employer of choice. A diverse workforce helps Cameco to succeed.
As a federally regulated company, Cameco complies with the federal Employment Equity Act by removing barriers that may make it difficult for some people to fully participate in the workforce, including those from the following four equity groups as defined in The Act:
- women in under-represented roles
- people with disabilities
- Aboriginal Peoples
- members of visible minority groups
We support a diverse workforce by:
- implementing fair hiring practices
- recruiting and retaining qualified candidates from all four equity groups
- maintaining a corporate culture that fosters excellence, innovation, employee satisfaction and engagement by respecting individual differences and encouraging a diversity of views
Cameco hires on merit, based on an applicant's qualifications and experience. Qualified equity group members are encouraged to apply for Cameco positions, and to declare their designated equity status so that we can monitor our progress towards a more representative workforce. See Employment Equity-Additional Information for more details.
Residents of Saskatchewan's North
A Resident of Saskatchewan's North (RSN) is defined as:
- A person who has resided in Saskatchewan's North for a period of 10 years or one half of his or her age, whichever is lesser. Such a person:
- shall not lose status by relocating outside of Saskatchewan's North for educational purposes;
- shall not lose status by relocating outside of Saskatchewan's North for five years or less; and
- shall regain status if he or she has lived outside of Saskatchewan's North for more than five years but re-establishes primary residency in Saskatchewan's North at the time of hire.
- A person who transfers from one mine operation in Saskatchewan's North to another, or is re-employed within one year after leaving mine employment in Saskatchewan's North, and who met the criteria of a Resident of Saskatchewan's North contained in the applicable Human Resource Development Agreement at the time of recruitment to that operation.
- Cameco is committed to creating and maintaining a welcoming, inclusive, barrier-free work environment which allows all employees to perform their jobs at an optimal level.
- Achieving this desired environment depends upon mutual respect, creative problem solving and co-operation.
- We have been recognized as one of Canada's Best Diversity Employers since 2010.
Northern Administrative Communities
Air Ronge | English River | Pelican Narrows |
Bear Creek | Fond du Lac | Pinehouse |
Beauval | Garson Lake | Sandy Bay |
Black Lake | Grandmothers Bay | Sled Lake |
Brabant Lake | Green Lake | Southend |
Buffalo Narrows | Ile a la Crosse | St. Georges Hill |
Camsell Portage | Hall Lake | Stanley Mission |
Canoe Narrows | Jans Bay | Stony Rapids |
Clearwater River | Kinoosao | Sturgeon Landing |
Cole Bay | La Loche | Sucker River |
Creighton | La Plonge Indian | Timber Bay |
Cumberland House | Reserve | Turnor Lake |
Denare Beach | La Ronge | Uranium City |
Deschambeault Lake | Michel Village | Weyakwin |
Descharme Lake | Missinipe | Wollaston Lake |
Dillon | Montreal Lake | |
Dore Lake | Patuanak |