Workforce and Communities

Our relationships with our workforce, Indigenous Peoples, and local communities are fundamental to Cameco’s success. The protection of our workforce and the public guides our risk assessment and the planning of our operations and product transport activities. To deliver on our vision of energizing a clean-air world, we invest in programs to attract and retain a diverse, skilled workforce dedicated to continuous improvement and committed to our values.

The following are highlights of selected social topics discussed in our 2023 Sustainability Report. Please see the report for more information or Our Performance for all indicator results.


Relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Engagement activities range from informal community visits and information sharing to formal Cameco- or government-sponsored committees with representation from local and Indigenous communities.

We believe that Indigenous Peoples and local communities should benefit from resource development on or near their communities or traditional lands, through employment, training, business opportunities, community investment, and environmental stewardship. 

Cameco has a long history of working collaboratively with Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The uranium mines, mills and processing facilities we operate are located in three regions: northern Saskatchewan, Ontario and the US. We also have advanced exploration projects in Saskatchewan and Australia. In each of these jurisdictions, we interact with unique local and Indigenous communities. We are committed to open and honest communication, understanding the individual needs of communities, and creating opportunities for shared value.

Learn more about our relationships


Occupational Safety and Health

Total recordable injury rate
This change in safety performance has coincided with change from care and maintenance to commissioning and operations at some of our facilities as well as increasing activities at other facilities, resulting in a large influx of new workers and higher turnover.

Cameco works in challenging physical environments and with substances that require special attention and care. It is our responsibility to keep the occupational health and safety risks associated with our business at levels as low as reasonably achievable, and to send our workers home safely at the end of their shift or work rotation.

Safety performance

Safety is a core value at Cameco and the paramount consideration that guides all decisions and actions related to our more than 2,900 employees and contractors. We build safety into the design and operation of our facilities, have a management system that supports the integration of safety into everything we do, and promote a strong safety culture across our workforce.

Safety is a top priority at Cameco

In 2023, although we exceeded both our leading corporate safety targets, we did not achieve our lagging safety performance target – our targeted total recordable injury rate (TRIR) – for the second year in a row. With respect to our lagging indicator, we are implementing a plan to reduce injuries across our operations. We analyzed the recordable injuries that occurred in 2023, which confirmed that as with the previous years, nearly half of all injuries were related to sprains and strains. 

To address our safety performance, in 2023 we focused on 

  • Analysis
  • Hazard identification
  • Accountability
  • Improvement

Learn more about occupational safety and health


Nuclear safeguards

Cameco's products are used exclusively for the generation of zero-carbon nuclear power.

The uranium and nuclear fuel products that we supply to our utility customers around the world are required to be used exclusively for the generation of zero-carbon nuclear power. We operate in a highly regulated industry with mature and established safeguards. 

We take our national and international obligations seriously and have designed our programs and processes to meet or exceed all applicable regulations regarding nuclear safeguards.

Transportation of nuclear materials in Canada is governed by the CNSC and Global Affairs Canada.

Our products are delivered to customers and accounts at licensed and safeguarded facilities in accordance with the Nuclear Cooperation Agreements (NCAs) in place with each respective country. The contracts we execute with our customers require the uranium we provide to be exclusively used for power generation and peaceful purposes (not for military or weapons use). 

Our refinery, conversion plant, and Cameco Fuel Manufacturing are subject to enhanced safeguards, including frequent inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an international organization that works to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy. 

In order to export our uranium products, we must secure the proper export licences and export permits from the CNSC and Global Affairs Canada.

As Canada is a signatory to the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), an international treaty established in 1970, we are subject to the treaty and comply with all IAEA requirements. The IAEA monitors what we produce and where we ship our products through a number of inspections and measurements that verify our inventories both within our equipment and of our finished product.


Learn more about nuclear safeguards


Inclusion and Diversity

Diversity across Cameco's workforce
Figures as of December 31 each year. This chart only includes employees from our Canadian operations (including temporary and casual), as other jurisdictions are not (at this time) required to collect or maintain diversity information on employees.

We understand the value of a diverse workforce and we embrace, encourage, and support workplace inclusion. Members of a diverse workplace bring new ideas, perspective, experiences, and expertise to the company. Our goal is to create an inclusive work environment, with a diverse and representative workforce being our measure of success.

Our goal is a workplace where everyone feels welcome, valued, and an integral part of the team. To achieve our goal, we are committed to creating a safe, innovative, and inclusive culture where we act as “one Cameco”. 

Much of this work is led or supported by our Inclusion and Diversity Committee, which includes 26 volunteer employees and leaders drawn from all company locations and employment equity groups. This committee advocates for, leads, and supports change, and it reports to the President and CEO, and the senior Vice-President and Chief Corporate Officer.

We support inclusion and diversity through policies and tailored programs, training and awareness, diversity data, recruitment practices and through changes to our physical facilities. Diversity is also an important element of senior management and board leadership. 

Diversity in management
We continue to improve our workplace practices to foster an inclusive environment that aims to support a diverse workforce and their advancement into leadership positions. Management includes all manager positions and above, and select professional and supervisory positions.

We strive for a percentage of women in senior management that, at a minimum, reflects the proportion of women in our workforce. We met this specific target in 2023 (women held 35% of senior management roles, 29% of management roles, and 25% of Cameco's overall workforce in 2023). 

In northern Saskatchewan, 50% of our sites' workforce is Indigenous, with individuals employed across our business areas in a variety of skilled positions, from operators and supervisors to technicians and corporate professional roles. Because our work in northern Saskatchewan requires employees to be away for extended periods of time, we recognize the need to create a culturally relevant work environment. Through our Elder Advisor/Knowledge Keeper program, incorporating traditional languages into our operations, and celebrating Indigenous culture, we aim to create a welcoming and supportive environment.


Learn more about inclusion and diversity


Learn more

Environment and safety at our uranium operationsEnvironment and safety at our fuel services business