Credit Ratings and Transfer Agent

Credit Ratings

The credit ratings assigned to our securities by external ratings agencies are important to our ability to raise capital at competitive pricing to support our business operations. Our investment grade credit ratings reflect the current financial strength of our company.

 Current third party ratings
Security:DBRS S&P
     Commercial paperR-2 (middle)A-3
     Senior unsecured debenturesBBBBBB-
     Rating trend / rating outlookStableStable

Changes to third party ratings are discussed in our Annual MD&A

DBRS provides guidance for the outlook of the assigned rating using the rating trend. The rating trend represents their assessment of the likelihood and direction that the rating could change in the future, should present tendencies continue, or in some cases, if challenges are not overcome.

S&P uses rating outlooks to assess the potential direction of a long-term credit rating over the intermediate term. Their outlook indicates the rating could change in the future.

The rating agencies may revise or withdraw these ratings if they believe circumstances warrant. A change in our credit ratings could affect our cost of funding and our access to capital through the capital markets.

Transfer Agent

For information on common share holdings, dividend cheques, lost share certificates and address changes, contact:

TSX Trust Company

301, 100 Adelaide Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 4H1

Phone: 1-800-387-0825 or 416-682-3860
