2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Location:Online via live webcast or in person at
Cameco Corporation, 2121 – 11th Street West,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Date and Time:Wednesday, May 10, 2023
8:30 a.m. Saskatoon time (10:30 a.m. Eastern)
 Replay annual meeting recording

Beneficial shareholders who wish to attend and vote your shares online at the meeting must appoint themselves as proxyholder and register in advance with our transfer agent, TSX Trust, to obtain this ‘control number’ for participating online via webcast. Instructions for appointing yourself as proxyholder, registering in advance with TSX Trust and obtaining a control number are provided on pages 11 and 12 of the circular.

Attend in person

Registered shareholders and beneficial shareholders may choose to attend in person:

Cameco Corporation
2121 – 11th Street West,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Prior to the proxy cutoff deadline, beneficial shareholders who wish to attend in person will need to appoint themselves as a proxyholder.

At the meeting location, all registered shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders (including beneficial shareholders who have appointed themselves as proxyholders) will need to complete the in-person registration process with our transfer agent. You should arrive sufficiently ahead of the meeting’s scheduled start time to complete the registration process.

If you wish to attend and vote your shares in person, instructions are provided on page 13 of the circular.

Vote by proxy

Shareholders can vote by proxy in advance of the meeting (refer to meeting materials delivered to you by mail or email). The vast majority of our shareholders vote by proxy in advance of the meeting and we encourage shareholders to continue to vote in this manner using one of the methods described in the circular. Instruction on voting by proxy can be found on pages 9 through 11 of the circular.


If you have questions about voting, completing the proxy form, the voting instruction form or residency declaration, or about the meeting in general, please contact Kingsdale Advisors, our strategic shareholder services advisor and proxy solicitation agent:

Phone:      1-888-518-1588 (toll free within North America) or
                   1-416-867-2272 (collect from outside North America)
Email:      contactus@kingsdaleadvisors.com

Notice and assess

Cameco has adopted the notice-and-access method for delivery of its meeting materials to its shareholders. Registered and non-registered shareholders have received notification that the meeting materials in connection with the 2023 annual meeting of shareholders are available online. The use of this alternate means of delivery is permitted by Canadian securities regulators and is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to distribute our meeting materials because it reduces printing, paper and postage costs.

You can access the meeting materials below. Shareholders who would like a paper copy of the 2023 Management Proxy Circular and/or the 2022 Annual Report can request a copy by calling 1-888-433-6443 or 1-416-682-3801 (outside Canada and the US), or by emailing tsxt-fulfilment@tmx.com

There are various ways that you can engage with Cameco’s management team or its board of directors: