Sustainability Targets

Looking Back: 2023 Scorecard

We set sustainability targets to demonstrate our commitment to continual advancement. To provide transparency around our sustainability performance and activities, we have developed the below scorecard.


ESR Target Legend

2023 Targets

Net-zero ambition

➝ Develop tailored decarbonization pathways for operationally controlled sites.
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We completed tailored decarbonization pathways for all operationally controlled sites.


 Refine the calculations necessary to quantify our Scope 3 GHG emissions profile.
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Refined the calculations necessary to quantify our Scope 3 GHG emissions profile. We are now working towards refining at a category level.
  Engage a third-party expert to conduct physical risk assessments of our Fuel Services Division’s operations.
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We completed a third-party physical risk assessment of our Fuel Services Division’s operations.

Environmental Performance1

➝ Improve effluent discharge management at our Saskatchewan and Ontario operations by maintaining quality within regulatory limits and action levels, predicted environmental effects, and achieving historic benchmarks.
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Performance on our environmental targets was below the targeted range for some of our Ontario sites, but we met the targeted range for our Saskatchewan sites.
 ➝ Progress groundwater restoration at our US operations by:  
  Advancing two specified mine units into the stability monitoring stage.
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Based on recommendations from a third-party expert, Cameco determined that a combined ACL would be most efficient for both the creation of the application and the review by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  Developing and submitting to regulatory authorities Alternate Concentration Limits (ACL) for one mine unit.
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  Achieving clean evaluations for 134 production wells.
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Achieved clean evaluations for 132 production wells.

Tailings management

 Achieve Level A for all our tailings facilities2 in all indicators of the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining Tailings Management Protocol by the end of 2023.
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Level A was achieved across all Tailings Management Protocol indicators at Cameco operations with tailings facilities, and results were reported to the Mining Association of Canada’s Toward Sustainable Mining.
  1. For STIP purposes, there is an overriding modifier: no payout on this measure if there is any incident that results in a moderate or significant environmental impact, current and future remediation costs of ≥ $10 million, a significant environmental fine, or that has a reasonable potential to result in significant negative impact on the company’s reputation with our major stakeholders.

  2. All facilities include active and inactive tailings facilities to reflect the changes in the TSM’s Tailings Management Protocol.

2023 Targets

Workplace safety3

➝ Achieve a total recordable injury rate (TRIR) of 0.99 or less.
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Although there were no incidents causing a fatality or permanent disability, we did not meet our TRIR target of 0.99 (our TRIR was 2.30).
 ➝ Achieve 100% completion rate of job task observations (2 per supervisor per month).
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We achieved 100% completion of job task observations.
 ➝ Complete 100% of the target of 66 ergonomic assessments for workplaces that impact multiple individuals across the organization.
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We completed 100 ergonomic assessments.
  Maintain radiation doses as low as reasonably achievable, social and economic factors taken into account (ALARA).
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Radiation doses to all workers are maintained well below regulatory limits. 

Indigenous and community relations

➝ Provide 18 paid temporary work-placements for RSN, at least nine of which are women, at our mining/milling operations.
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18 RSNs, 13 of whom were women, participated in our work placement program at our mining/milling operations.
 ➝ Provide 10 apprentice positions, the majority of which are filled by residents from the Athabasca Basin, with a minimum of five RSN women.
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Nine apprentices, seven of whom were Athabasca Basin residents were provided apprenticeship positions. Five of these apprentices were women.
  Procure at least 80% of our services for our northern Saskatchewan operations from northern-owned local businesses.
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74% of services at northern Saskatchewan operations were procured from northern-owned local businesses.
  Implement a rotational Elder program at our northern Saskatchewan operations.
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Hired four Elder/Knowledge Keeper rotational positions at our northern Saskatchewan mining/milling operations from the local communities of English River First Nation, Pinehouse Lake, Lac La Ronge Indian Band, and Fond du Lac First Nation.

Inclusion and diversity

 Each year, strive for a complement of senior management (officers and VPs) that reflects or surpasses the proportion of women in our workforce.
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In 2023, 35% of senior management were women while 25% of the workforce were women.
  1. For STIP purposes, there is an overriding modifier: no payout on the safety measure if there is any fatality or permanent disability.

2022 Targets

Board diversity

 At least 30% of board members are women (maintain annually).
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Women held 33% of director positions on our Board in 2022.
  At least one director with Indigenous heritage (maintain annually).
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Of our current directors, one is Indigenous (11% of the total number of directors), and we have had Indigenous directors on our board since 1992.

Conduct and ethics

 100% of all targeted and new employees to complete Code of Conduct and Ethics online training in 2022.
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100% of new and existing employees completed Code of Conduct and Ethics training in 2022.


 100% of all employees complete the information security course (annually).
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100% of all employees completed the information security course.
  Complete at least one internal audit on cybersecurity-related topics (annually).
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Cameco completed three internal audits on cybersecurity-related topics.

Learn about our 2024 Targets