Transparency, Disclosure and Communication

Our corporate reputation, both locally and on the global stage, is intimately tied to how well we communicate with our stakeholders. We continuously provide important financial and operational details to the public, ensuring that complete, accurate and balanced information is disclosed openly and honestly.


In order to gain and maintain near- and long-term public support, our various stakeholder groups need to understand the nature of our business, along with the risks and benefits. Corporate transparency is vital to ensuring the public can make sense of our activities, gauge our performance, and interact with the company in a meaningful way.

Transparent disclosure allows stakeholder groups to compare what we say about our strategy and objectives with our actual results. “Disclosure” is providing the information, but in our view, merely disclosing the information does not represent transparency. Transparency is a measure of the effort we apply to clearly communicate information in a way that the public can understand, without adding unnecessary complexity, or applying a confusing corporate filter.

Taking Action

We are committed to the following principles:

  • providing disclosure in accordance with all legal and regulatory requirements
  • embracing good disclosure practices for the dissemination of material information to the public, particularly with regards to accuracy, timeliness, clarity and balance in the company’s disclosure documents
  • increasing stakeholder understanding of our business and preserving our reputation as a responsible corporate citizen by encouraging practices that reflect openness, accessibility and transparency

Case Study - The road to Cigar Lake production

When one of Cameco’s most prized uranium assets flooded not once but twice, the company faced scrutiny from investors, regulators and the industry at large.

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