Corporate Expenses


($ millions) 2014 2013 Change
Direct administration 163 160 2%
Restructuring 5 (100)%
Stock-based compensation 13 20 (35)%
Total administration 176 185 (5)%

Direct administration costs in 2014 were $3 million higher than in 2013.

We recorded $13 million in stock-based compensation expenses this year under our stock option, restricted share unit, deferred share unit, performance share unit and phantom stock option plans, compared to $20 million in 2013 due to a change in the compensation program. See note 26 to the financial statements.

Outlook for 2015

We expect administration costs (not including stock-based compensation) to be up to 5% higher compared to 2014.


Our 2014 exploration activities remained focused on Canada and Australia. As we continued to focus more on our core projects in Saskatchewan, and reduced our activities elsewhere, we decreased our spending from $73 million in 2013 to $47 million in 2014.

Outlook for 2015

We expect exploration expenses to be about 5% to 10% lower than they were in 2014 due to decreased spending at Inkai.

Finance costs

Finance costs were $77 million compared to $62 million in 2013. The increase from last year largely reflects higher interest on short-term and long-term debt, higher charges with respect to our reclamation provisions and settlement costs of $12 million with respect to the early redemption of our Series C debentures, partially offset by higher foreign exchange gains on intercompany balances. See note 21 to the financial statements.

Finance income

Finance income remained stable compared to 2013 at $7 million.

Gains and losses on derivatives

In 2014, we recorded $121 million in losses on our derivatives compared to losses of $62 million in 2013. The losses reflect the continued weakening of the Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar in 2014. See note 28 to the financial statements.

Income taxes

We recorded an income tax recovery of $175 million in 2014 compared to a recovery of $117 million in 2013. The increase was primarily due to a change in the distribution of earnings between jurisdictions compared to 2013. In 2014, we recorded losses of $841 million in Canada compared to $715 million in 2013, whereas earnings in foreign jurisdictions decreased to $722 million from $830 million. The tax rate in Canada is higher than the average of the rates in the foreign jurisdictions in which our subsidiaries operate. See note 23 to the financial statements.

On an adjusted earnings basis, we recognized a tax recovery of $120 million in 2014 compared to a recovery of $61 million in 2013. The increase was related to the items noted above. Our effective tax rate was a recovery of 41% in 2014 compared to 16% in 2013. The table below presents our adjusted earnings and adjusted income tax expenses attributable to Canadian and foreign jurisdictions.

($ millions) 2014  2013 
  1. 1 Pre-tax adjusted earnings and adjusted income taxes are non-IFRS measures.
  2. 2 Our IFRS-based measures have been adjusted by the amounts reflected in the table in adjusted net earnings (non-IFRS).
Pre-tax adjusted earnings 1    
Canada 2 (611) (466)
Foreign 2 901  849 
Total pre-tax adjusted earnings 290  383 
Adjusted income taxes 1    
Canada 2 (156) (94)
Foreign 36  33 
Adjusted income tax expense (recovery) (120) (61)
Effective tax rate (41)% (16)%

Transfer pricing disputes

We have been reporting on our transfer pricing dispute with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) since 2008, when it originated. As well, we recently received a Notice of Proposed Adjustment (NOPA) from the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) challenging the transfer pricing used under certain intercompany transactions including uranium purchase and sales arrangements relating to 2009. Below, we discuss the general nature of transfer pricing disputes and, more specifically, the ongoing disputes we have.

Transfer pricing is a complex area of tax law, and it is difficult to predict the outcome of cases like ours. However, tax authorities generally test two things:

  • the governance (structure) of the corporate entities involved in the transactions
  • the price at which goods and services are sold by one member of a corporate group to another

We have a global customer base and we established a marketing and trading structure involving foreign subsidiaries, including Cameco Europe Limited (CEL), which entered into various intercompany arrangements, including purchase and sale agreements, as well as uranium purchase and sale agreements with third parties. Cameco and its subsidiaries made reasonable efforts to put arm’s–length transfer pricing arrangements in place, and these arrangements expose the parties to the risks and rewards accruing to them under these contracts. The intercompany contract prices are generally comparable to those established in comparable contracts between arm’s–length parties entered into at that time.

For the years 2003 to 2009, CRA has shifted CEL’s income (as re-calculated by CRA) back to Canada and applied statutory tax rates, interest and instalment penalties, and, from 2007 to 2009, transfer pricing penalties. The IRS is also proposing to allocate a portion of CEL’s income for 2009 to the US, resulting in such income being taxed in multiple jurisdictions. Taxes of approximately $290 million for the 2003 – 2014 years have already been paid in a jurisdiction outside Canada and the US. Bilateral international tax treaties contain provisions that generally seek to prevent taxation of the same income in both countries. As such, in connection with these disputes, we are considering our options, including remedies under international tax treaties that would limit double taxation; however, it is unclear whether we will be successful in eliminating all potential double taxation. The expected income adjustments under our tax disputes are represented by the amounts claimed by CRA and IRS and are described below.

CRA dispute

Since 2008, CRA has disputed our corporate structure and the related transfer pricing methodology we used for certain intercompany uranium sale and purchase agreements, and issued notices of reassessment for our 2003 through 2009 tax returns. We have recorded a cumulative tax provision of $85 million, where an argument could be made that our transfer price may have fallen outside of an appropriate range of pricing in uranium contracts for the period from 2003 through 2014. We continue to believe the ultimate resolution of this matter will not be material to our financial position, results of operations and cash flows in the year(s) of resolution.

We are confident that we will be successful in our case; however, for the years 2003 through 2009, CRA issued notices of reassessment for approximately $2.8 billion of additional income for Canadian tax purposes, which would result in a related tax expense of about $820 million. CRA has also issued notices of reassessment for transfer pricing penalties for the years 2007 through 2009 in the amount of $229 million, including notices of reassessment recently received for transfer pricing penalties of an aggregate of $156 million for the 2008 and 2009 tax years. We have not yet made any remittance related to the 2008 and 2009 transfer pricing penalties. The Canadian income tax rules include provisions that require larger companies like us to remit 50% of the cash tax plus related interest and penalties at the time of reassessment. To date, under these provisions, after applying elective deductions and tax loss carryovers, we have paid a net amount of $212 million cash to the Government of Canada, which includes the amounts shown in the table below. As an alternative to paying cash, we are exploring the possibility of providing security in the form of letters of credit to satisfy our requirements under these provisions.

Year ($ millions) Cash Taxes Interest and
Instalment Penalties
Transfer Pricing
Prior to 2013 13 13
2013 1 9 36 46
2014 106 47 153
Total 107 69 36 212

Using the methodology we believe CRA will continue to apply, and including the $2.8 billion already reassessed, we expect to receive notices of reassessment for a total of approximately $6.6 billion of additional income taxable in Canada for the years 2003 through 2014, which would result in a related tax expense of approximately $1.9 billion. As well, CRA may continue to apply transfer pricing penalties to taxation years subsequent to 2009. As a result, we estimate that cash taxes and transfer pricing penalties for these years would be between $1.45 billion and $1.5 billion. In addition, we estimate there would be interest and instalment penalties applied that would be material to us. While in dispute, we would be responsible for remitting or otherwise providing security for 50% of the cash taxes and transfer pricing penalties (between $725 million and $750 million), plus related interest and instalment penalties assessed, which would be material to us.

Under the Canadian federal and provincial tax rules, the amount required to be paid or secured each year will depend on the amount of income reassessed in that year and the availability of elective deductions and tax loss carryovers. The estimated amounts summarized in the table below reflect actual amounts paid and estimated future amounts owing based on the actual and expected reassessments for the years 2003 through 2014. We will update this table annually to include the estimated impact of reassessments expected for completed years subsequent to 2014.

($ millions) 2003-2014 2015 2016-2017 2018-2023 Total
  1. 1 These amounts do not include interest and instalment penalties, which totaled approximately $69 million to December 31, 2014.
50% of cash taxes and transfer pricing penalties paid or owing in the period 1 143 165-190 320-345 80-105 725-750

In light of our view of the likely outcome of the case as described above, we expect to recover the amounts remitted to the Government of Canada, including the $212 million already paid to date.

Due to the time it is taking to work through the pre-trial process, we now expect our appeal of the 2003 reassessment to be heard in the Tax Court of Canada in 2016. If this timing is adhered to, we expect to have a Tax Court decision within six to 18 months after the trial is complete.

IRS dispute

As noted above, we received a NOPA from the IRS pertaining to the 2009 tax year for certain of our US subsidiaries.

In general, a NOPA is used by the IRS to communicate a proposed adjustment to income and provides the basis upon which the IRS will issue a Revenue Agent’s Report (RAR), which lists the adjustments proposed by the IRS and calculates the tax and any penalties owing based on the proposed adjustments. We currently anticipate receiving a RAR in the first quarter of 2015.

The current position of the IRS is that a portion of the non-US income reported under our corporate structure and taxed in non-US jurisdictions should be recognized and taxed in the US on the basis that:

  • the prices received by our US mining subsidiaries for the sale of uranium to CEL are too low
  • the compensation being earned by Cameco Inc., one of our US subsidiaries, is inadequate

The proposed adjustment results in an increase in taxable income in the US of approximately $108 million (US) and a corresponding increased income tax expense of approximately $32 million (US) for the 2009 taxation year, with interest being charged thereon. In addition, the IRS may apply penalties in respect of the adjustment.

At present, the NOPA pertains only to the 2009 tax year, however, the IRS is also auditing our tax returns for 2010 through 2012 on a similar basis and we expect adjustments in these years to be similar to those we expect to be made for 2009. If the IRS audits years subsequent to 2012 on a similar basis, we expect these adjustments would also be similar to those proposed for 2009.

We believe that the conclusions of the IRS in the NOPA are incorrect and we plan to contest them in an administrative appeal, during which we are not required to make any cash payments. At present, this matter is still at an early stage and, until this matter progresses further, we cannot provide an estimation of the likely timeline for a resolution of the dispute.

We believe that the ultimate resolution of this matter will not be material to our financial position, results of operations and cash flows in the year(s) of resolution.

Overview of disputes

The table below provides an overview of some of the key points with respect to our CRA and IRS tax disputes.

Basics for dispute
  • Corporate structure/governance
  • Transfer pricing methodology used for certain intercompany uranium sale and purchase agreements
  • Allocates Cameco Europe Ltd. (CEL) income (as adjusted) for 2003 through 2009 to Canada (same income we paid tax on in foreign jurisdictions and includes income that IRS is proposing to tax)
  • Income earned on sales of uranium by the US mines to CEL is inadequate
  • Compensation earned by Cameco Inc., one of our US subsidiaries, is inadequate
  • Allocates a portion of CEL’s 2009 income to the US (a portion of the same income we paid tax on in foreign jurisdictions and which the CRA is proposing to tax)
Years under consideration
  • CRA reassessed 2003 to 2009
  • Auditing 2010 to 2012
  • IRS issued Notice of Propsed Adjustment (NOPA) for 2009
  • Auditing 2010 to 2012
Timing of resolution
  • Expect our appeal of the 2003 reassessment to be heard in the Tax Court in 2016
  • Expect Tax Court decision six to 18 months after completion of trial
  • Expect Revenue Agent’s Report (follows NOPA) in Q1 2015
  • Plan to contest proposed adjustments in an administrative appeal
  • This dispute is at an early stage, and we cannot yet provide an estimate as to the timeline for resolution
Required payments
  • Expect to remit 50% of cash taxes, interest and penalties as reassessed
  • Paid $212 million in cash to date
  • Exploring possibility of providing security in the form of letters of credit to satisfy required remittances
  • No payments required while under administrative appeal

Caution about forward-looking information relating to our CRA and IRS tax disputes

This discussion of our expectations relating to our tax disputes with CRA and IRS and future tax reassessments by CRA and IRS is forward-looking information that is based upon the assumptions and subject to the material risks discussed under the heading Caution about forward-looking information beginning on the Forward-Looking Information page and also on the more specific assumptions and risks listed below. Actual outcomes may vary significantly.

  • CRA will reassess us for the years 2010 through 2014 using a similar methodology as for the years 2003 through 2009, and the reassessments will be issued on the basis we expect
  • we will be able to apply elective deductions and tax loss carryovers to the extent anticipated
  • CRA will seek to impose transfer pricing penalties (in a manner consistent with penalties charged in the years 2007 through 2009) in addition to interest charges and instalment penalties
  • we will be substantially successful in our dispute with CRA and the cumulative tax provision of $85 million to date will be adequate to satisfy any tax liability resulting from the outcome of the dispute to date
  • IRS will continue to propose adjustments for the years 2010 through 2012 and may propose adjustments for later years
  • we will be substantially successful in our dispute with IRS
Material risks that could cause actual results to differ materially
  • CRA reassesses us for years 2010 through 2014 using a different methodology than for years 2003 through 2009, or we are unable to utilize elective deductions and loss carryovers to the same extent as anticipated, resulting in the required cash payments to CRA pending the outcome of the dispute being higher than expected
  • the time lag for the reassessments for each year is different than we currently expect
  • we are unsuccessful and the outcomes of our dispute with CRA and/or IRS result in significantly higher cash taxes, interest charges and penalties than the amount of our cumulative tax provision, which could have a material adverse effect on our liquidity, financial position, results of operations and cash flows
  • cash tax payable increases due to unanticipated adjustments by CRA or IRS not related to transfer pricing
  • IRS proposes adjustments for years 2010 through 2014 using a different methodology than for 2009
  • we are unable to effectively eliminate all double taxation

Outlook for 2015

We have contractual arrangements to sell uranium produced at our Canadian mining operations to a trading and marketing company located in a foreign jurisdiction. These arrangements reflect the uranium markets at the time they were signed, with the risk and benefit of subsequent movements in uranium prices accruing to the foreign trading and marketing company.

On an adjusted net earnings basis, we expect a tax recovery of 60% to 65% in 2015 from our uranium, fuel services and NUKEM segments, as taxable income in Canada is expected to decline. In 2016, the older contractual arrangements under our portfolio of intercompany sale and purchase arrangements largely expire, and we expect our portfolio to be increasingly reflective of the market at the time transactions occur under the contracts. As this transition occurs, we expect our consolidated tax rate to increase from a recovery to an expense, however the rate of change will depend on market conditions at the time new contracts are put in place and when transactions occur under the contracts.

Foreign exchange

The exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and US dollar affects the financial results of our uranium and fuel services segments.

Sales of uranium and fuel services are routinely denominated in US dollars, while production costs are largely denominated in Canadian dollars. We use planned hedging to try to protect net inflows (total sales less US dollar cash expenses and product purchases) against declines in the US dollar in the shorter term. Our strategy is to hedge net inflows over a rolling 60-month period. Our policy is to hedge 35% to 100% of net inflows in the first 12 months. The range declines every year until it reaches 0% to 10% of our net inflows (from 49 and 60 months).

At December 31, 2014:

  • The value of the US dollar relative to the Canadian dollar was $1.00 (US) for $1.16 (Cdn), up from $1.00 (US) for $1.06 (Cdn) at December 31, 2013. The exchange rate averaged $1.00 (US) for $1.10 (Cdn) over the year.
  • We had foreign currency forward contracts of $1.6 billion (US), EUR 5 million and foreign currency options of $100 million (US) at December 31, 2014. The US currency forward contracts had an average exchange rate of $1.00 (US) for $1.12 (Cdn) and US currency option contracts had an average exchange rate range of $1.00 (US) for $1.13 to $1.21 (Cdn).
  • The mark-to-market loss on all foreign exchange contracts was $67 million compared to a $27 million loss at December 31, 2013.

We manage counterparty risk associated with hedging by dealing with highly rated counterparties and limiting our exposure. At December 31, 2014, all counterparties to foreign exchange hedging contracts had a Standard & Poor’s (S&P) credit rating of A or better.

Sensitivity analysis

At December 31, 2014, every one-cent change in the value of the Canadian dollar versus the US dollar would change our 2015 net earnings by about $7 million (Cdn), with a decrease in the value of the Canadian dollar versus the US dollar having a positive impact. This sensitivity is based on an exchange rate of $1.00 (US) for $1.00 (Cdn).